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Contact UsMicroservices architecture is an architectural style that provides many technical benefits to play a role in developing software product quality. But many challenges and issues occur in the use of microservices architecture as a software development philosophy. In this report, we are focused on this issues and challenges that arise and we are also focused on the identify risk mitigation strategies and include this strategy which can be used in minimizing security risk and privacy into the microservices architecture. In the body of this report we will cover the main challenges and issues arising in microservices architecture with the context in services-oriented architecture or monolithic architecture, potential privacy issues, potential strategies to manage privacy and security risk and the reasons for these issues and challenges. This body point will be covered the main task of the report. The key concept of this task mainly shows issues and challenges which make complicated the architecture and develop a low-quality software product. So, we also covered the reasons behind the issues and challenges that are arising in microservices architecture which are used as software development in this report.
Data consistency: data consistency main issues in the Microservices architecture as software development. In the Microservices architecture, the data consistency is the biggest issues as context to the monolithic architecture. If data consistency works properly in the sense then the product shows client-based results.
Testing: In Microservices architecture as software development, the testing is a very complex task due to different services, interdependencies, and complex integration. The testing team has to knowledgeable on many services and channels which is used in testing for communication. The asynchronous type of Microservices architecture as software development makes it harder to test its lower environment. Due to complex testing the error resolving task very complicated and become very time-consuming.
Complex team communication: effective communication is required when the services increase for any changes. For this, we are used proper API. Microservices architecture API as software development is a contract between client and services. If you will be able to make microservices independently when you are not breaking their API.
Technical debt: the architects and developers which are built Microservices structure using different languages and individual infrastructure then the organization with the huge system ends up so that here many ways to every single thing. When the use of many hundred services in software development then some of the services are maintained and some of which are forgotten about.
Operation overload: the deployment and management are easier in the monolithic architecture due to centralized control and monitoring, unlike monolithic architecture Microservices architecture is an independent service. For the operation, the team is a tedious task for managing various services. It is shown that significant effort is used to ensure the resilience of the software development product.so that this aspect plays a role in increases operation overload mainly when compression with the monolithic architecture.
Risk of slow performance: it is another issue that is slow performance of the Microservices architecture. The burden on the server is greater than the monolithic architecture. The number of increased resources can be slow the performance.
Maintenance cost: the maintenance cost of Microservices architecture is more than to the monolithic architecture.so that it is also main challenge.
Standardization: for the entire infrastructure to become efficient, the Standardization strategy also well defined. This issue occurred mainly time when developers have developed software.
Architecture Complexity: this is a main issue for the developer when it makes Microservices architecture. The Microservices architecture is more complex concerning the monolithic architecture. To handle this complexity is more difficult for the developer.
Security: the security of architecture shows more sub challenges which show much complexity between the software development. The various sub challenges are below: -
In this section we are covered many strategies which are used to manage privacy and security risk. The below strategies are used to manage the risk:
Design: be secure Microservices architecture by design this means we can secure software by construct design, in the beginning, this is the main strategies to manage the risk of security. The great developer is well designed at the beginning of software development. The natural part of the software is designed. Design help to make secure their software product.
The dependency of the scan: many libraries we use depend on the other libraries to develop software. Large chain of dependency which are lead by transitive dependencies. This dependencies might have security vulnerabilities.
Using Https: Use of the Https everywhere become more secure Microservices architecture. To the Https the security reason is to increase and Https connection is changed it another Https one.
Access and identity tokens: it is also another strategy to secure architecture. Many tokes are available to make strong communication between developer and client. This token is used to identify clients to communicate to the developer. Due to this strategy produced software is very secure because communication occurs securely. It makes a secure server to server communication.
Encrypt and protect secrets: the Microservices that talk other services it has secrets to use for the communication. This secret can be a client secret, credentials, apikey for authentication.
Time-based security: the logic of this strategy is that never secure fully your system anyone breaks it. The only solution for this is detection and reaction. The insecure are slow down to the use of multi-factor authentication but it is also detected when anyone elevated in the critical server with the privilege authentication.
Attackers slowdown: if anyone attacks on your API’s effectively and you can detect and also slow down your service then attackers are destroyed.
Docker rootless mode: this is another one strategy to use to secure their Microservices architecture as software development. This mode mainly are not used in every project but it is effective to secure Microservices architecture.
Above various strategies are used to make secure Microservices architecture .and to reduce privacy and security risk of which the developed software project is very secure.
The main conclusion of this topic and report is that when we use Microservices architecture as a software development environment than many issues and challenges Are occurred. This report shows these various issues and challenges and also their reasons because of the issues and challenges that are produced. This report shows how to prevents these issues and the challenges and how to minimize these issues. If we don’t know these issues and challenges before producing software product then various errors occur and products show every time inconsistency. The learning of the issues and challenges more necessary if we want to produce an errorless product. When the developer are known these challenges and issues then we produced a very effective product. The overall conclusion to this report shows Microservices architecture is well defined to use. This reports also covered how to minimize the risk of privacy and security by mitigation strategies. Become effective product we are used well-defined architecture with all known issues and challenges .this task shows all the challenges and issues which are produced in Microservices architecture when it is used as software development environment .in the software development philosophy various task are performed in a step by step so here should be aware to the all the issues and challenges.
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