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Contact UsMy journey to becoming a business practitioner was very enthusiastic. I have achieved a lot
of knowledge about various factors that are related to the business. I have also come across
various challenges and hurdles which made me strong and provided a sharable experience. I
have the zeal to learn new things, so the position of a business practitioner attracted me.
Being a business practitioner holds so many things to learn and analyze things in a different
way. It helps in understanding the market and needs of the customers deeply.
This course helped in understanding the tendency of the customer to make a purchase and to
provide the quality services which make the customers satisfied. Much of efforts and hard
work is to be done in several activities such as producing and selling of product and services.
This course is also beneficial for me as I hold some of the skills for excelling in business
operations and become a business practitioner. It delivered me an appropriate indulgence for
the requirements of human beings, circulation, manufacture, countless procedures to deliver
crunches, and several others. The experience of econometric techniques provides me an
opportunity for analyzing the economic conditions in numerous circumstances and benefit an
individual in many terms.
In the journey of becoming a business practitioner, my teachers and other people have also
helped me at various stages. My teachers help in solving various problems and advising me to
take good actions. Ahead, I have also developed new skills that will help me in grasping
various opportunities in the future also. Thus people and skills motivated me in various terms
to face the challenges and work upon the weak points. The results of the projects help in
gaining self-confidence inside me and to work on the instructions allotted to me. Hence, I
have always achieved personal and professional goals within the time frame.
Monitoring for each of the decisions is taken so that no mistake can be done by me. Motoring
provided me an advantage for analyzing things from all the dimensions and then finalizing it.
I have also taken feedback from my teachers and other people. Hence, the suggestions and
advice are always followed by me to make improvements. This also gives me new learning.
At last, the outcome of the project is also analyzed which benefits in analyzing the loopholes
and finding alternatives in adopting other options to bring the desired outcome. I have also
studied the external and internal environment of the business so that decisions can be taken in
a well-structured manner to obtain the desired outcome. Summarizing the outcomes makes
the concept clear and understandable. I have also understood that communication is a crucial
part of the business and its related activities. Communication must be maintained to achieve
the desired goals of the business as well as personal goals. I have also become an expert in
making strategies to promote business expansion and taking competitor’s advantages in the
market. New things are to innovate so that decisions can become fruitful and business can be