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Contact UsThe process through which people exchange information and thoughts is known as communication. This exchanging of information is done with the use of different sources. The process of communication results in a mutual understanding of people. It can be between two or more people. Communication can be done through many types. The major parts for communication are sender, encoder, the channel used, the decoder and receiver. communication can be verbal as well as nonverbal or written. People can exchange their messages by saying it, using different signs, or writing it down. The workplace and the management need to communicate properly. Communication will help the organization to develop a mutual understanding and which will help in teamwork and organization better. The following report will give the effectiveness and process of communication in any workplace. It will further give details and importance of communication in the workplace. The report will also provide a few steps and ways to improve and learn "how to communicate properly?" This will further give an illustration of how effective communication can work. This will also provide the proper process of communication using a single diagram.
The road to strong and unbreakable relationships is effective communication. Employees and other members of the business organization can get a trustworthy, loyal, and strong relationship only based on effective communication.
The open environment will allow the management and the employees of the organization to send their messages and share their thoughts in a very effective way. They can openly share their views about different things. People will be able to share their criticism or interesting ideas and even feedback regarding different things.
Being attentive in any communication is very important. It is important to not important but also to be mentally present in communication. There is a huge difference between listening and paying attention to communication. Paying attention will help in understanding communication and will get better and clear messages (Nabie, and Ome, 2016).
While conveying the message a person should be clear. He should focus on the way of conveying messages. The person should be confident while communication. His communication will create chaos in other people and which will give a very unclear and different message. Thus being clear and confident is very important to communicate in an organization.
Management and employees of any organization have to work hand in hand. They both work parallel and thus both of them need to communicate very precisely and effectively. Communication plays an important role between the two parties.
The management should communicate with the employees more often than they do. Management needs to understand the need of the hour. The management can have regular meetings for the younger employees who find the routines to be difficult. Regular communication works as the most important factor in the organization.
The management should not use harsh tone while communicating with their employees. The use of harsh inflection on the employees will make them uncomfortable to communicate with the management. The supple tone of communication is the best way to understand what employees want. The supple communication will help management and employees to grow better relationships (Doyle, 2017).
Language does not only mean the type of language, for example, English, Spanish, or French. The choice of language is referred to as the statement or the words they use. The management and employees should pick their words carefully. Using abusive language will affect the relationship and will also create chaos in both parties. Thus the choice of language should be very precise and one should always think before they speak.
The conversation can be either formal or casual. The management needs to use an appropriate level of communication. The communication between the employees and management should not be too casual; otherwise, it can result in misuse of the authority by the employees. The communication should not be too formal or it will create a room of discomfort. Thus the management should choose the appropriate and moderate level of communication.
Above given are some ways which clarify the communication between the management and employees in an organization. It has defined how management has communication in the most effective way.
Active listening is a process of gathering the information from the sender and then carefully decoding it. In this process a person firstly receives the information; afterward, he decodes and understands the information and finally evaluates and responds to the person. This process of gathering understanding and evaluating the information is known as active listening in a conversation. Actively listening to a conversation helps in getting many clear and straight messages. There are many types of active listening and understanding.
Proxemics is the amount or the branch of space that is required to listen to nonverbal communication. Proxemics is the amount of space that is felt necessary by the person to keep between him and others. It is the study of space between humans for nonverbal communication. it should be the proper use of space between two people (Neely and Mosley, 2018).
Kinesics is also a type of space or seating arrangement to carefully understand nonverbal communication. The people involved in nonverbal communication have to be mentally active there on time.
SOLER will give the indications and guide to non verbal communication as follows:
The square seating position is kind of seating arrangements are felt comfortable to communicate. These seating arrangements can be comfortable for one person and can be uncomfortable for the other one. Thus different seating positions help in maintaining effective non-verbal communication. Different people would choose different seating options from the following diagram.Open posture
Open posture shows the language and use of hands, legs, and other body parts. The posture of how a person sits and how comfortable they are with their hands and legs shows the openness of their messages towards other people.
By leaning inside or forward towards the person shows the person's interest in the conversation. Leaning forward is a sign of showing how much-interested someone can be in the conversation and how eagerly they want to communicate (Razak, et.al., 2019).
Eye contact is the most important factor of non verbal communication as well as verbal communication. Making eye contact with the other person shows your interest in talking to them and your interest in that communication. it shows that the person is paying full attention to communication.
Someone can find a communication uncomfortable due to many different factors, but being comfortable and being relaxed helps the person to pay attention to communication. it also depicts how i9nterested and comfortable are you in this conversation.
The above given is Shannon and weaver's model of communication. This model depicts the method of communication. This is a chain process. The sender conveys the information or the message which is then encoded in different ways. It can be encoded in a verbal, nonverbal, or written method. The process further moves on with a channel it can be any online device or the software that is used to communicate between two parties. This channel has many difficulties, which are also counted as barriers to communication. These difficulties can be any online issue, noise, data loss, or any other technical issue (Abney, et.al., 2017). These issues have a very great impact on the decoding of the message. Then the message is decoded by active listening, visualizing the actions, or understanding the text-based or nonverbal expressions. Thus basically major drawback or difficulty in the communication channel is the noise that interrupts while encoding and decoding the message. This can change the meaning of a message or information that has been conveyed. Thus it is very important to decode the message very precisely and on top of that, it is important to understand the expressions and decode them properly (Macri, 2016).
It has been showing by the diagram and the text that there are many barriers to communication. These barriers can be overcome or reduced by using effective methods and ways of communication. One should always have a good network or software to avoid such noises.
The lack of effective communication provides great loss to the organization. This importance of effective communication can also be seen in Pablo's (my friend) working environment. Pablo works as a part-time clerk in a small bank. The bank has different sections and employees to handle different parts of the bank. There is a different section for each activity like withdrawal of cash, opening a bank account, submitting documents, and others too. Pablo works in the section that opens bank accounts. The bank has telecom services that are limited to the bank staff only. Many times there is a disturbance in the telecom service. The management and employees in the bank coordinate with each other using that telecom service only. There had been many issues noted in the bank due to misunderstanding and decoding the messages. Pablo had noticed this thing several times. The person responsible for registering documents argued with the person that collects cash. The reason behind this argument was the inactiveness of the receiver and the confusing language of the sender. Thus Pablo solved that misunderstanding by telling them a clear conversation. Thus the importance of the active mind and clear and confident conversation is really important in an organization. Pablo made both of them understand that they were not even physically present and due to which they could not decode the non verbal communication that is their expressions. Thus expressions and body language play an important role in the process of communication. Pablo had faced these issues too. Just like section two has depicted the noise is the barrier to communication, here noise is referred to the interruptions and difficulties in the telecom service that is used by the bank.
It is hereby concluded that effective communication is very important to build an organization. The goals and objectives of an organization can be only achieved if the people there have a strong bond and relationship. as a result of the report, the organizations should follow the steps given in section 1 to make a conversation effective. A live example of this was shown in Pablo's office. The key to effective communication is active listening. The listener or the receiver should be mentally active while the communication is going. This will help in decoding and understanding the message properly. Also, the sender should be aware of his expre4ssions and body language. The sender should also be very clear and confident while they are having a conversation. These major points will help to make a conversation effective and the organization will have great management.
Nabie, A. and Ome, B., 2016. Effective communication: a key component to reduce workplace stress. International Advanced Journal of Teaching and Learning, 2(5), pp.15-21. https://www.zeetarz.com/iajtl/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Effective-Communication-A-Key-Component-to-Reduce-Workplace-Stress.pdf
Neely Jr, P.R. and Mosley, M., 2018. Communication problems in management. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 6(9), pp.34-40. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ea78/0f25de1fb38c092d40b0498657c77489eedd.pdf
Razak, M.I.H.M., Athmar, W.A.W., Durani, N., Salleh, A.J. and Hamdan, N.I.B., 2019. Effective Communication As a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals. KnE Social Sciences, pp.380-387. https://www.knepublishing.com/index.php/KnE-Social/article/view/4324/8929
Abney, D.H., Dale, R., Kello, C.T. and Louwerse, M.M., 2017. Burstiness across multimodal human interaction reveals differences between verbal and non-verbal communication. In CogSci. https://drewabney.github.io/files/AbneyDaleKelloLouwerse_2017_CogSciProc.pdf
Macri, D.V., 2016. The expert advice: Dental patient compliance hinges on effective communication strategies. http://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1038&context=ho_pubs
Doyle, A., 2017. Communication Skills for workplace success. The Balance Careers. https://www.ramapo.edu/hr/files/2018/02/Communication-Skills-for-Workplace-Success.pdf